Labor Day

How long were your labors?

I started having irregular contractions Friday morning.  Around 11:30 that night they started to become more regular and harder.  I started pushing around 9 am and delivered at 11:40 am.  So I was going for about 24 hours, but the hard part was really 12 hours.

How did you know you were in labor?

I didn’t, for a while.  But when I couldn’t sit down or lie down I was pretty sure that’s what was going on.

Where did you deliver?

At a hospital, but the “maternity ward” is really a Birthing Center.  Where the smart people are.  Our Lamaze teacher said many times, “When you start to want to be where someone knows what they are doing, it is time to go to the hospital.”


Yup.  Well, sort of.  I didn’t have an epidural, but the transition contractions were killing me and I had narcotics to help me rest and ease through that part.  I would totally do it that way again.


Nope.  He was heads down for the last 4 months.

Who delivered?

I delivered, but I had a midwife who was there to catch the baby.  I saw three midwives through my pregnancy and I got just what I needed in delivery, the sweet, funny one to get me through the early stages (3 am -7 am) and the no nonsense one in the pushing part (I don’t remember a few hours in there).  I barely remember my first two nurses, but the two that were there for the delivery were terrific!  My husband was there with me the whole time, holding my hand, rubbing my back and holding my leg when I had no strength left.  My mom arrived just after 6 followed by my MIL and then my dad.  My sister arrived at 11, just in time for the “good stuff”.  I didn’t think I would want them all there, but in the end it was great.

My little guy

I found this meme on Rocks in My Dryer and I am so glad I could participate, finally, in one about my baby.

Baby shopping

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