Finally Friday

Things I am thankful for this week:

  • snow days: eating waffles in your pajamas
  • a wonderful husband who doesn’t mind clearing up all of the snow
  • health insurance
  • living within an hour of one of the best hospitals in the country
  • being recognized by my boss for what I am doing
  • my adorable son running into the room when he comes home after not seeing me all day or for two hours
  • hedgehogs
  • fresh water

What I wish I had said

Not long ago, although before I had my baby, we had a substitute at our school who I wish I could have put in her place.

I work in a school that is nearly all women.  We have had nearly every female medical problem you can name.  At one point we had 4 women of childbearing years wishing to be pregnant.  Three had about a dozen miscarriages and 3 babies between them.  And 1 (um…me) couldn’t do the thing you have to do in order to get pregnant.  It had been a very traumatic few years for my three friends and a stressful time for me as well.  Our coworkers knew some of what was going on, although not a lot of details about my condition.  People were very sensitive to what was going on.

One day we had a substitute who had never been to our school before.  She didn’t know anyone at the school.  She was eating lunch at the same time as 2 of the women who had had multiple (3-5 each) miscarriages in the past couple years.  Both yearned to have children and had serious complications several times.  She looks at the younger of the two, sitting next to her, and says, “Do you have any kids?”  And when the answer was negative the substitute starts lecturing her about how she shouldn’t wait to have kids and how great they are.  Both of my friends just sat there not knowing what to say but getting more and more upset by the minute.  I wish I had been there, because I would have said,

I am so happy for you that you have had such a perfect healthy life.  You must be so blessed.  Although you have clearly missed a few lessons in manners over the years.

Do you know what it is like to be unable to be intimate with your husband?  Have you heard of vulvodynia?  Have you ever had stabbing excruciating pain when touched in your most sensitive of area?  I have been on several antidepressants – each with their own really fun side effects, been through physical therapy and biofeedback – $3000 out of my own pocket, shots in my “down there”, therapy, breakdowns, and extreme pain.    And yet after 6 years of marriage (and 8 years since diagnosis) I am still struggling every day.

What a blessing it must have been for you to get, and stay, pregnant so easily.  Do you know that up to 40% of conceptions end in miscarriage?  However, after one miscarriage your chances of having another are only 25%.  On the other hand, 1% of women have what they call recurrent miscarriages which is 3 or more in a row.  Do you know how many women in this room have suffered miscarriages?  No, you don’t, because you just shot your mouth off without considering that you don’t know anyone here.  1% in the world is actually 10% here at our school.  So the next time you decide to lecture someone about their life choices maybe you should consider not everything in life is a choice.

The upside is two of us have each had a boy, one had 2 girls, and one adopted a preschooler from Haiti.  And as far as I know, that sub never came back.

Theory Thursday

Partially reposted from 8.28.08:

One of the best things about being a teacher is that you get two new year’s each year.  Two chances to start over; to set goals; to feel refreshed.

In September my goals are usually school related.  Keep my classroom neat, keep up with my lesson plans, be a better teacher.  Sometimes they include eating better, walking more, laying my clothes out the night before.

In January my goals are more personal.  Lose weight, watch less TV, declutter my house, eat better.  I also include school related goals, keep up with the planning, be more creative in the classroom, get stuff done.

I am lucky.  I get to start all over every few months.  It is such a blessing.

Today is my fourth day of school.  It is interesting to see how my goals have changed, just a little.  For example, this January my only resolution was to have a baby.  Okay, so I was already 4 months pregnant at the time, so that was an easy one.

This fall I have similar goals to last year (when I wasn’t pregnant quite yet – only a few days though), keep my classrooms neat (doing okay on that one a week in), keep up with my lesson plans (have not written a plan yet), be a better teacher (I was so tired last year, it will be easy to be better this year.).

This fall I am also going to have to work on picking out my clothes in advance and making my lunch at night.  But I also have to be out of the house on time because now I have to drop my little guy off at school before I head to work.  I have to have clothes for him clean and ready.  I have to have my stuff together.

So this fall I am falling back on an old favorite: “try harder”.

I feel so good starting up this year.  I have already started cleaning out a cabinet in my tech lab and soon will be asking for it to GO AWAY!  I want the room to be cleared of all the crap I have been saving for the last 10 years and never used.  I want to see if I can start fresh.  Have a good new year.

Theory Thursday


One of the best things about being a teacher is that you get two new year’s each year.  Two chances to start over; to set goals; to feel refreshed.

In September my goals are usually school related.  Keep my classroom neat, keep up with my lesson plans, be a better teacher.  Sometimes they include eating better, walking more, laying my clothes out the night before.

In January my goals are more personal.  Lose weight, watch less TV, declutter my house, eat better.  I also include school related goals, keep up with the planning, be more creative in the classroom, get stuff done.

I am lucky.  I get to start all over every few months.  It is such a blessing.

I start school today.  Happy New Year!

Theory Thursday

This one I adapted from a friend.

For teachers, summer is like the weekend.

June is like Friday.  You have to work part of it, but when you get home the freetime is stretched out in front you, almost endless.

July is Saturday.  The whole day is yours, all that time to do stuff.  It’s bright and sunny and you have so much to look forward to.  You can sleep late and watch cartoons.  You know things will come to an end, but it seems to far off.

August is Sunday.  Time is starting to catch up with you.  All those projects you planned to do are still waiting and you are running out of time.  You have to start doing your homework, planning for the next year, getting ready for the new batch.  The days grow shorter and the time goes faster.  You have to start going to bed on time.

We are closing in on Sunday night.

Theory Thursday

woman-in-underwear-and-shoes-print-c10295860jpeg.jpgThis is my first post in a new themed series.  I am always telling my husband about my little pet theories, and he thought they might make good blog fodder.

I have a lot of underwear and shoes.  My theory is that I don’t have to try on underpants and they will always fit and I can try on shoes without taking my clothes off.  I am a big girl, and trying on clothes is about as much fun as being covered with chocolate syrup (ask me, I know).

More great inventions – school edition

While the pencil with an attached eraser is really nice, I give my kids eraserless pencils and block erasers. And what is up with the name of the inventor? Hymen Lipman? Really?

  1. Dry erase boards I hate how my hands feel after using the chalkboard. White boards are so much fun to use in class. They come in handy for quick lessons or a list of things they have to do in independent work. We can write in all sorts of colors and they come clean without much mess.
  2. Clipboards What a handy thing for moving around the room.  We use these for paper activities on the floor.  Clipboards also let us take our work to other places in the building.
  3. Crayons Not just for coloring.  I let the kids practice their spelling words in rainbow writing with crayons.  We also use crayons to mark nouns and verbs on papers.  Lately I have been using crayons to mark papers so I can see how many times they needed to make corrections.
  4. Digital projectors I used to teach computer lessons by showing them on my computer.  Now I can project it on the wall and they can see it big and from their seats.
  5. Recess Need I say more?

1858Hymen Lipman patents a pencil with an attached eraser.

Things I am really glad someone invented

There are some things we all take for granted, but someone had to invent them.

I am really glad for:

  1. Air conditioning I may live in a mostly cool climate, but it can get hot here. It gets especially hot in my computer lab. It took 7 years for me to convince someone that I needed a/c in there and it has made all the difference. I am actually in a better mood during the heat waves.
  2. Reach dental floss holders I hate flossing my teeth. It is not a lot of fun for me to stick my fingers in my mouth. I floss every day now. My flosser is pink and his is blue. We also have a purple one that neither of us has used.
  3. Indoor plumbing When it isn’t so hot that you need a/c, it is so cold that you need a down parka. I am thankful every day that I don’t have to go outside to p.
  4. DVR For someone who does a lot of plays, it is great to be able to record “appointment TV” like LOST and Grey’s and watch it later. I hated messing around with tapes and the DVR is awesome.
  5. iPods Our local radio station got bought last year and when they changed over the owners got rid of the 2 great DJs that had been there over 20 years. I hate the new morning guy, so I really only listen for the local news. The rest of the time I listen to NPR on my iPod in the car.

1794Eli Whitney is granted a patent for the cotton gin.

Weight Watchers Vanilla Ice Cream Sandwich

bluebunny_vanilla_sand.jpgWeight Watchers Vanilla Ice Cream Sandwich
POINTS value 2

The shape may be a rectangle, but the taste is anything but square! Offered in a six-pack, each Vanilla Ice Cream Sandwich contains low-fat vanilla-flavored ice cream and chocolate cookie wafers, with 120 calories, 2 grams of fat and 3 grams of fiber.
~Weight Watchers Website

I wanted:
ice cream sandwiches
a low point snack
vanilla with chocolate

I bought:
Weight Watchers Vanilla Ice Cream Sandwich

I’ve eaten:
almost the whole box (in a week)

I tasted:
creamy vanilla
chocolatey flavor

I thought:
they were great tasting for a low point treat
kind of small, but didn’t leave me wanting more

I will:
buy these again