Evening chapel, originally uploaded by Lady Strathconn.
Category Archives: religious connotations
churchy stuff
What are your talents?
I read this article today on the advice of the FLYLady. It got me to thinking.
Next fall, I am going to get my Sunday Schoolers together to knit things to sell at our church craft fair and then we will use the money to buy Christmas gifts for foster kids.
What would you do if someone gave you $50?
Thoughts on Sunday
There is a woman at my church named Mary. I don’t like her very much. She is gruff and bossy. She has hurt the feelings of a lot of people at my church. I have realized recently that I can stand up to her and what’s the worst that will happen? She has a newly made up job and takes every opportunity to tell people what to do, especially the Sunday school teachers and the Christian Education department. I am going to continue to stand up to her every chance I get, for those people who can’t stand up to her themselves. Look out lady!
Last Sunday the bible reading was from Matthew. That lead to a sermon about Mary and Joseph and the point of view of the Gospel writers. My 17 year old Sunday school helper, the Pill, turned to me during the sermon and said, “Was Mary really a Virgin?” I gave it a little thought and said, “Well, no one was really there who could tell us that for sure. That is what we are taught, so I guess maybe it could be. But that is why we have faith, our Christian faith is steeped in this belief. It shouldn’t really matter whether she was a virgin or not.” She seemed satisfied with this answer and let the rest of the service go on.
We have some great conversations in my Sunday school classroom (fourth and fifth grade, 5 girls and 1 boy). They ask all sorts of great questions and have good answers. We’ve talked about women’s roles in Biblical times and what God looks like. We also have been making crafts and working on being prayerful.
I was sharing all that with my friend, Supermom, since her daughter is in my class. We were talking about the conversations we have in class and I mentioned the conversation I had with the Pill at church. She said she thought that was a really good way to put it.
Her daughter, Picky Princess, was sitting near us and said, “Was Mary really a virgin?” I went over and sat with her and repeated my conversation with the Pill and then explained about how we don’t really know what happened, but that is why we have faith.
She looked at me, all 10 years of her and said, “No, I meant Mary from church. Is she a virgin?” Supermom and I cracked up. All I could say was that she was never married, didn’t have any babies, and was pretty cranky.
I think I am going to h3ll.
Sunday Night Blues
Blue #1: The boxes of macaroni and cheese we bought for the Drop In Center.
Blue #2: My husband’s eyes.
Blue #3: The walls in my nearly finished upstairs bathroom.
Sunday school, church, harvest luncheon, scrapbooking with my MIL. It has been a long day.
Random fact: The first week we owned our house (in 2002) my father and my husband removed the ceiling from the small bedroom that we were turning into a bathroom. 5 years and 2 months later I finally got to use the bathroom.
Yute Groop
I hung out with the youth from my church this afternoon. We were supposed to help at the food pantry, but they didn’t need us.
They have 25% more need this year, in 10 months, than in all 12 months of 2006. Tomorrow our church is collecting food for “harvest Sunday”, so I am bringing some things we bought today. I have 9 new toothbrushes, from dentist appointment, and 9 tubes of toothpaste, as well as some boxes and cans of food.
So we went bowling. Me, J*, Hill the Pill and 3 other teens. We had a great time. Sometimes we go bowling during a 9-midnight (appeals to teens) fun time where they have games. Since it was just us we played our own games. We asked for bumpers, which helped a lot. We also bowled with our non-dominant hand, turned around 5 times before throwing the ball, and “granny” bowling (crouch down and roll the ball from between your knees). We laughed through every frame. After the game the kids wanted to play video games. J* and Hill the Pill played DDR and some of the boys played a shooting game.
–Sunday morning…I fell asleep while bloggging last night.–
After bowling, we went back to J*’s and the kids played cards. We played BS and it got very silly and crazy with everyone calling BS on everyone else. We ate dinner and watched the first two episodes of Joan of Arcadia. It is such a great show. I can’t figure out why they canceled it.
Random fact: I was 25 when my first friend died.