Movies I can watch again and again

Last year I participated in a March Movie Madness game.  This year’s game will be played with comedies.  My husband and I will be choosing the movies together (he may not know that yet).  I hope I do better this year than last.  I think I was in the bottom 3.

In no particular order (except the one I thought of them in):

  1. The Muppet Movie
  2. Say Anything
  3. A Fish Called Wanda
  4. Two Brothers
  5. Gosford Park
  6. Romeo + Juliet
  7. Mulan
  8. Shrek
  9. Finding Nemo
  10. Monty Python’s Holy Grail
  11. Sweet Home Alabama
  12. Princess Diaries
  13. Legally Blonde

1944: First televised Academy Awards

A dozen things about Vermont

    1. Vermont does not allow billboard advertising. I love that. It is so nice to drive on the interstate (91 and 89) and not be faced with advertising every 10 feet. It is so obvious when you cross over into New York or Mass.
    2. John Deere was born in Rutland, Vermont. Who knew?
    3. Montpelier is the smallest state capital. It isn’t really a very exciting town either.
    4. Also, Montpelier is the only state capital without a McDonalds. What a claim to fame!
    5. The state tree is the Sugar Maple. Yummy.
    6. Brigham Young and Joseph Smith were both born in Vermont. So, Vermont caused Mormonism.
    7. The first postage stamp issued in the US was made in Brattleboro, Vermont, in 1846. I don’t have a pithy comment for this one.
    8. On July 2, 1777, Vermont became the first state to abolish slavery. How does that explain our nearly complete lack of blacks?
    9. Vermont was, at various times, claimed by both New Hampshire and New York.  And now?  Everyone thinks we are a city in Massachusetts.
    10. Vermont is the largest producer of maple syrup in the U.S., producing over 500,000 gallons a year.  I will only eat real maple syrup.  My wedding cake was maple flavored and the wedding favor was maple candy.
    11. Until recently, the only way a Vermonter could get a photo driver’s license was to drive to Montpelier.  Seriously, my permit (1992) was a thin piece of plastic coated paper.  Only in the last 10 years could you get a photo license locally.
    12. Vermont was the first state admitted to the union after the first 13 colonies.

      1791Vermont is admitted as the 14th U.S. state.

      A list of things about me right now

      1. I have been married 5 1/2 years.
      2. I don’t have any children…yet.
      3. I have a cat named Orlando.
      4. I teach computer skills and reading to elementary school kids.
      5. I live in the town I grew up in.
      6. I like to knit dishcloths.
      7. I teach Sunday School.
      8. I love LOST, Heros, and Big Brother.
      9. I am overweight.
      10. I am sick and tired of snow.

      On March 1, 1873E. Remington and Sons in Ilion, New York begins production of the first practical typewriter.