I was directed to this cool new tool (can’t remember who). I have wasted a lot of time making sand piles.
Category Archives: doing nothing
just pointless blather
Ways to waste time on a Saturday
I don’t feel like doing much of anything today. I also don’t have much to write about. My life is terribly boring.
- weigh in
- get breakfast at Dunkin Donuts
- read blogs
- write blogs
- read blogs
- play games online
- watch TV shows you watched last week, because your husband didn’t see them
- fall asleep
- wake up
- move to other couch
- fall asleep
- shower
- watch your husband rock the world in a play he joined 4 days ago
1976 Nicole Marie born in Bennington, Vermont.
Mar 08
I have been kind of lazy, just posting lists and not really blogging about them. I have been so busy with HMS Pinafore, that I don’t feel like doing anything else.
I am going to blog every day for the month of March though. I joined NaBloPoMo and the theme for the month of March is lists. So I have been making lists. Lists are hard. I am afraid come March 25 I am going to be making lists of everything I ate that day.
I know I don’t HAVE to make lists, I just have to post. But lists are fun. (was that poor sentence structure or what?) At least I thought they would be fun. I wish I was a better writer. I think of things to write about and then I don’t have time. Or I forget. Or I don’t want someone to find what I wrote and realize it is about them. Although, there is little chance of that happening, since the only people I know in real life who read this are the Lord, Best Lady and Mooch. And I don’t really have much to say (bad) about them. In fact, I am not even sure Mooch reads this any more. She has a full time job now. I suppose I could blog about her.
(are you still with me?)
Things I have been doing instead of writing decent blogs (not that you have come to expect them):
- stage managing HMS Pinafore
- teeching kids two right gud
- laundry
- shopping
- not cleaning
- watching Monk
Random find
I went to the NaBloPoMo site to grab the image for the last post (yeah, 2 in an hour) and Eden pointed readers to ImageChef for alternate images for a blog. And as much as I love the LOL cats, I love to check out new stuff.
Look what I found! Isn’t that crazy? I can’t believe that right on the front page the license plate generator is for a Vermont plate. Do you think it can read my IP and customize it to me? ‘Cause they do have other states, that was just the one on the front. Strange. Tomorrow when I have time, I will make myself some crazy plates. I have always wanted a personalized plate, but I don’t want to waste the money.
National Blog Posting Month
I want to get back into my blog writing, so what better time to kick it off with National Blog Posting Month. I am never very good at following through with things I start, but I am going to try. This year my New Year’s resolution was to try harder, so I am going to try harder to post every day.
I am also updating my blog look, but I am not ready to reveal the new look. I wanted something a little more personal than this theme, as pretty as it is. I have been working on customizing a theme that is pretty plain and should be easier to read than the last one.
I would like to say I have been busy lately, but mostly I have just been boring. T and I spent a lovely week at Star Island in August. I started back to school at the end of August and then we spent a weekend with his family. In September we did a weekend of Murder Mystery dinners for our theater company and T auditioned for two shows for next spring (and got roles in each). In October we went to Boston for a night to see WICKED! and spend some time checking out the city.
Random fact about me: I didn’t get my driver’s license until I was 20.
Greetings from Star Island
{This episode was prerecorded.}
I am on vaca this week with my sweetie, my sister, my friend Supermom, her boyfriend and the munchkins. There are also quite a few others out here from home, although most are youth.
Look for more posts this week. Although, just like Friday episodes of The View, all posts will lack any actual current news.
Why do extra buttons for women’s clothing come in little plastic baggies? Why aren’t they sewn into the clothes like mens?
Ask me why I am wondering this.
Sunday night blues
This has been a fairly full weekend for me. I can hardly believe I made it to Sunday.
Friday I got to school before 8 for the first time in months. Months! I am doing the AfterSchool Program Friday afternoons now. The last kids are picked up at 5:30. Lord S joined me at 5 with BK and we ate while the boys played Marble Blast. We went to Dancing Queen (introduction of new character) and Rockstar’s house.
They have owned it since October, but this is the first time I have been there (yeah, it is in my school’s backyard, so sue me). They are moving in next weekend after months of renovation. They have more work to do, but Rockstar’s mom comes home this week and they’ve been living at her house. Lord S came down to Small Town School to chaperone the year’s final roller skate. I ate too many Rice Krispy Treats (but they were homemade!). The night didn’t end there. We headed down to the Small Town Bar for a band and fundraiser. My sister, Supermom (+ boyfriend), and Dancing Queen all joined us eventually. I only made it to 11:00, so we headed home.
Saturday the tile guy came at 8, so we, of course, got up at 5 of 8. I weighed in (not so good) and then went home a took a nap. Lord S worked in the yard and I helped some. The bathroom is coming out great. After nearly 5 years I am tired of waiting, so I am glad to see progress.
In the evening we went to the Museum for the season/show opening. It will be the last opening for the current director, but he isn’t leaving town, just the job. Lord S and I will be heading back for a better look at the art. We didn’t eat much, so we headed with the group to a nearby resturaunt and ended up closing the place. We met several new people and had a great time.
Today I spent most of the day sleeping. Lord S did some stuff for his mom and then went down country (over an hour) for 10 more tiles for the bathroom. 2 Home Depots within 20 minutes and probably 5 within 45 and I pick tiles from a Lowes over an hour away. So now we have the tile and that job can be finished. Of course, now it is 11:15 and I am not tired. I am uploading pictures to Flickr, so I can jazz up this post, but that will take forever (I am doing 50+), so I will have to add them tomorrow. Yeah, it is only 10% done.
Good night. Look for this post to update again in the morning (not that anyone is going to read it at this hour). Hey, if you do read it, could you say hi? I haven’t gotten comments in a while and I am feeling kind of lonely.
End of the week
In just a few hours my vacation will be over and it will just be a normal weekend again. I have been bumming around the house knitting, updating our finances, and listening to my Podcasts. I have not done nearly enough this week. My house is still a wicked mess. I am not planned for next week. I haven’t sorted through all our bills. I have done nothing with my scrapbooking supplies. I am so lazy.
And what am I doing? Reading blogs.
I am back. And I have gotten more comments on one entry than I have ever before. I am going to start over.
Yahoo has a great back up system, but apparently it does not include WordPress databases. That’s fine. I am getting over it. I have figured out I can find a bunch of my entries through Google. I am not going to repost them, but it will be nice to have them in a Word file. I am particularly sorry I lost most of my 30 things in 30 days (entries leading up to my 30th birthday). I have found some, but not all.