Which superhero power would you want?

TVGuide.com put up a video, from Comic-Con, asking celebrities and people in costume which superhero power they would want.  I have given this thought over the years.  Especially since starting to read Harry Potter.  A lot of HP fans like to discuss which magic power they would want.

Lee Pace and Anna Friel (Pushing Daisies) would both like to fly.  As would Jensen Ackles from Supernatural.  In fact, most people said they would want to fly, but Tricia Helfer (Battlestar Galactica) had the right idea when she said she would want to teleport.  I think my favorite was Che McBride (Pushing Daisies) who would to be able to stop people from Bullsh!tting.

A young woman dressed as a playing card queen (all of them I think) would like to be able to time travel, so she could go back to the 1900s and buy stuff to sell to steampunk fans.

Things I have considered include:

FLYING – not a big fan of heights, but I think it would be cool to fly around.  I wouldn’t do it the dorky Superman way with one fist in the air.  I want to fly like Hancock.  Although, I would work on the landing.  But what good would flying do me?  It snows here, and I think flying through the snow would suck.

TELEPORTING – this would rock.  I would never have to be late for anything.  I could leave for school just before I had to be there.  I am always running late for things, so it would be great to just think about where I had to go and be there.  However, after reading about how painful apparition (HP) is I don’t know.  I also read once about teleporting.  Your molecules would all have to break down and then be put back together.  That doesn’t sound very good either.  I still like the idea of teleporting.

PRECOGNITION – how cool would it be to know stuff in advance?  Not so good I think.  I suspect it would be a huge burden.  I might like POSTCOGNITION so I could remember where I left things I have lost.

TIME TRAVEL – I like this one.  Again, because of the losing things problem, but also because how cool would it be to meet your parents and grandparents as children?  Or see the pyramids or S being built? See who shot JFK or be in the theater when Lincoln was killed?  Go to the premiere of The Wizard of Oz or Gone with the Wind.  I would like to be able to change things, but I know that would change the future, so maybe just the chance to see things as they happen.

MARAUDER’S MAP – I don’t know if there is another name for this, but I would love to be able to see where people in my life are at any given moment.  It would be a little stalkerish, I suppose, but it would come in handy.

There are plenty of other powers I have considered, but these are my favorites.  I’ve also thought about the wondertwins’ power to change into things (did you watch The Justice League in the 80s?),  ability to swim underwater for a long distance, see through walls, hear things I shouldn’t hear (I seem to already have that one), read people’s minds, be invisible, etc.

Which superhero power would you want?

Life goals

Boing Boing led me to this, which led me to this, which led me to this:


The text on the chocolates in this box describe something you should have done in your life. If you’ve done it, you can eat the candy, otherwhise it has to stay in the box until your deed is fulfilled.

I think these are so cool, but I don’t think I will get them for myself.  It will be a long time, if ever, before I do some of these things.  I think it would be really cool if you could make your own list of goals and eat them as you accomplish them.

I have done 6 of these things.  Can you guess which ones?  Which have you done?  What would your life goals be?  Answer any or all of the questions.  I would love to know more about my readers (or reader as Bossy says).

Where did they go?

Whoorl posted an entry about things she misses after reading this article and its comments.

I miss Jello Pudding Pops.
Several people mention the CRX. I miss one particular CRX, the one belonging to my high school boyfriend.
I also hate that every time I find sneakers I like they discontinue them.
One of the things that really cracks me up is some of the candy people mention is still available in New England.
I don’t really drink Coke anymore, but I definitely miss the way it tasted before the whole New Coke fiasco.
Recently Trident changed the pink bubble gum flavor and it is so bad that I threw out a whole pack. However, I just bought a pack of Juicy Fruit and it is YELLOW! Not that nasty grey it used to be, and the flavor lasts much longer. A change for the good!
There also used to be really great soft oatmeal cookies called Almost Home. I loved those.

What are some things you miss?

My Harry Potter questions

Spoilers below


Before book 7:

Trust Snape?
Where are all the horcruxes?
Will Hermione and Ron get together?
Will Harry and Ginny end up together?
Will Harry live?
Who will die?
Will Tonks and Lupin get together?
Will Harry go back to school?
Is Harry a horcrux?
What are the Deathly Hallows?
Who was supposed to die but didn’t?
Who died, but was originally going to live?
What will happen to Hogwarts?

After book 7 (but before JRK interviews):

What happened to Hermione’s parents?
Where’s Luna?
What are the Trio and Ginny doing now?
What did Dudley see?
What was Petunia going to say to Harry?


What is behind the veil?
What is in the Love room?
What happens to the prophecies that were broken?
Who will do magic that hadn’t before?
Did Petunia have anything of Lily’s she could have given to Harry?
What happened to the Dursley’s?


I just read this at Ms. Whatsit.

Hey kids! Bummed out ’cause Daddy won’t let you pierce your bellybutton? Mad at Mom ’cause she won’t sign the consent for a tattoo? Not to worry. There are other ways to set yourself apart from the others. Take do-it-yourself branding, for example.

It was during a slumber party bash that a group of fourteen-year-old girls from my school decided that they would start a new, show-it-off-in your-bikini fashion trend. read more

So what dumbass things did you do between 12 and 15? Mine was all about the bad clothes and hair. Oh and stupid boy moves. Why can’t we just skip that part?

Give me public speaking or give me death

I was doing a murder mystery on Sunday and I was sitting next to a blow hard asshole know-it-all big talker who didn’t shut up through the whole dinner. It was a little hard to stay in character.

At one point he said “I don’t believe this crap that people fear public speaking more than death.” I responded that I am not afraid of death. I think when you are dead you don’t really know any better. On the other hand, I am afraid of being killed/dying. You know strangulation, stabbing, shot, drowning, bleeding out…that kind of stuff scares me a little. So I said as much to this guy. And he says half looking at me, half at his (male) dinner partner and says “So you are saying if I held a gun to your head and said talk to 200 people or I shoot you. You would rather be shot?” I kind of blew him off, since, um, I was acting in a improv murder mystery in front of 75 people. I knew if I engaged him he would just keep going.

But since then I have had more time to think. I think he is missing the whole point of what fear is. Sure, no one would rather be shot than speak in front of people, but that’s not the point. I don’t see it as comparing one fear to another. If you asked me what my biggest fear is I would say heights. I would not say death, because I am not really afraid of death. I don’t want to die, and probably given a choice I would choose standing on the edge of the pyramid at Chichen Itza over death, but you didn’t ask me that. You asked me what my biggest fear is.

So what do you think? Is he right? Are we wrong to say we fear something more than death? What do you fear most of all?