Finally Friday

My friend with the yellow baby is going home from the hospital now. I just talked to her and she is really happy to be going home. I dropped the mac & cheese off on my way home from work and her husband was just leaving to get them.

I am really tired of coughing. I have been hacking so bad I leaked a little. This is not good for a girl who has never had a baby.

Eh…I don’t really feel like writing any more. It has been a hell of a week and I am ready for it to be over.

Thurday Thoughts

Remember when I said I was going to try to post more. Yeah, so then I got this freakin’ cold and I haven’t been in the mood to do anything. I am feeling better. As better as you can feel with only one working nostril and a hacking cough.

My friend and her new baby are at the hospital with jaundice. Mom is/was pretty freaked out. She was very upset at having to sit there next to her crying baby and not be able to hold her and comfort her. I wanted to be able to visit when she was born *hack hack** but I felt it best to wait. Now I am going to wait a little longer. I made them mac & cheese last night, but I won’t take it until tomorrow when they are home.

I start Girls on the Run on Monday. I met with my new co-coach today. She has never coached before and is not connected to my school, so she is kind of nervous. Which is interesting, because she is very confident. We were at the high school at the same time, elementary too is seems, but we didn’t really know each other. I think it will be a good season. I will keep you posted.

Now I am off to pottery. Sometime I am going to write about my pottery teacher. New coach (I need a name for her) and I were talking about how she (pottery teacher) is one of the nicest people we have ever known.

Sunday night blues

Sunday night is always the hardest. You have had a great weekend, but now it is the end, time to start thinking about the week.

The alarm went off at 6, but I didn’t really wake up till the phone rang at 9. It was my friend calling to give me news about the baby. She was born Saturday night at 7 and she is 9 pounds with lots of dark hair. I am still working on bibs for her. I think she will have 4 or 5.

We got an invitation to a wedding this weekend. A friend from high school is marrying a guy from our HS class. They have been together almost since we graduated (1994) and are expecting a baby in June. It is the second weekend of my spring break so we are planning to go down to Florida for it. It is hard to get tickets though, since everyone wants to have vacation then in Florida.

Our day yesterday was great. Today was lazy. I tried to install a scanner we have had sitting around for a few months onto my laptop, but nothing is working. T has been playing with it for hours, while I played Lego Star Wars on his computer. It is a pretty fun game.

Not much coming up this week, so we will see what comes.

Remains of the day

After a kickin’ lunch at Margaritas (at 3:30, no less) we headed over to Borders to take advantage of the 25% for educators. We each got a book, plus Eldest, some books for my classroom, a couple computer books for Lord Geek, and a baby book for my friend who is due in June.

We got home and Gameboy and I were so tired we both laid right down. A little while ago the phone rang and T answered it. I told him when he answered the phone it would finally be the phone call I was waiting for. I’ve been waiting since last night to hear about a friend from work who was induced yesterday. She was supposed to go in yesterday morning, but they were full in maternity. Yesterday afternoon she went in and was induced at 2. One friend from work is our contact and I am the email sender. I hadn’t heard from her by noon today so I called. Mom was having contractions every 7 minutes, but no dilation. I finally got the call at 5:45 that they had broken her water and she is finally in active delievery. Now I await more news.

So far Saturday

We have Gameboy (12) today. His mom and her beau went away for a few days and we got him for overnight Friday and all day Saturday. Last night we went to Panda North for dinner (his choice) and watched Bones, Criminal Minds, and Return of the Jedi. This morning he endured my weigh-in at Weight Watchers (from the car), breakfast at Dunkin Donuts, over an hour at the gym and then shopping at Olympia Sports. We got home around 12:45 and have been chilling since then. Now we are getting ready to eat lunch at Margaritas and hopefully do some shopping.

Sleepy Saturday

Last night we went to our favorite restaurant for dinner with my parents. They have been in Cancun (for the 3rd time in a year; 4th in Mexico) and we were catching up.

Today we woke up with the alarm at 6 am, but then it was 8:00. I had a great deal of trouble waking up. I did get up, dragged myself to Weight Watchers (down 8 pounds!) to weigh-in, Dunkin Donuts for a Maple Cheddar Breakfast Sandwich and a White Hot Chocolate. We came home to eat (no gym today).

T went to help my dad to go do some plumbing and I tried to watch my soaps. I fell asleep several times and ended up sleeping from about 11:30 to 4:00. I still feel tired and funky, but we have to do box office for a show our theater company is producing. Otherwise, I think I would just go to bed.

Medium was really great this week.

Feeling better?

A little. I am still stuffy and coughing, but I am not as achy. I went to work yesterday and my kids drove me up a wall! I headed home right after school and then rested until pottery class. I didn’t go to be nearly early enough and I am tired today, but it is Friday and I can make it through.

My day off

Today is Town Meeting Day. In Vermont, each town has a Town Meeting. Most meetings now take place in the evenings or on a weekend day. My town’s meeting is the 3rd Saturday of March, but today is voting day. We are the only town in the state with representative Town Meeting. My dad has been a Town Meeting rep for as long as I can remember. When I was little I thought of Town Meeting as a day we had off of school and I saw my daddy on TV. We have had local access television for many years and they have always broadcast from the meeting. It was fun to see him.

I actually get excited to vote. It is wonderful to me that we have that right and privilege in the United States. However, today, for the first time I am not voting. In fact, I am not doing much of anything. Last night, I came home from afterschool program feeling warm and achy. It got worse as the night went on. I woke up this morning feeling like crap. I have been coughing and achy all day. Good thing I didn’t have to go to work. I bummed about not voting. A neighbor, who was a friend in MS/HS, is a write in for a one year Town Meeting Rep and I am going to be really sorry if he doesn’t get it by 1 vote.

I am also really sorry I didn’t get a flu shot.

End of the week

In just a few hours my vacation will be over and it will just be a normal weekend again. I have been bumming around the house knitting, updating our finances, and listening to my Podcasts. I have not done nearly enough this week. My house is still a wicked mess. I am not planned for next week. I haven’t sorted through all our bills. I have done nothing with my scrapbooking supplies. I am so lazy.

And what am I doing? Reading blogs.

I am back. And I have gotten more comments on one entry than I have ever before. I am going to start over.

Yahoo has a great back up system, but apparently it does not include WordPress databases. That’s fine. I am getting over it. I have figured out I can find a bunch of my entries through Google. I am not going to repost them, but it will be nice to have them in a Word file. I am particularly sorry I lost most of my 30 things in 30 days (entries leading up to my 30th birthday). I have found some, but not all.