Sunday night blues

This has been a fairly full weekend for me. I can hardly believe I made it to Sunday.

P1000236.jpgFriday I got to school before 8 for the first time in months. Months! I am doing the AfterSchool Program Friday afternoons now. The last kids are picked up at 5:30. Lord S joined me at 5 with BK and we ate while the boys played Marble Blast. We went to Dancing Queen (introduction of new character) and Rockstar’s house. P1000265.JPG They have owned it since October, but this is the first time I have been there (yeah, it is in my school’s backyard, so sue me). They are moving in next weekend after months of renovation. They have more work to do, but Rockstar’s mom comes home this week and they’ve been living at her house. Lord S came down to Small Town School to chaperone the year’s final roller skate. I ate too many Rice Krispy Treats (but they were homemade!). The night didn’t end there. We headed down to the Small Town Bar for a band and fundraiser. My sister, Supermom (+ boyfriend), and Dancing Queen all joined us eventually. I only made it to 11:00, so we headed home.

P1000426.JPG P1000424.JPG Saturday the tile guy came at 8, so we, of course, got up at 5 of 8. I weighed in (not so good) and then went home a took a nap. Lord S worked in the yard and I helped some. The bathroom is coming out great. After nearly 5 years I am tired of waiting, so I am glad to see progress. P1000448.JPG In the evening we went to the Museum for the season/show opening. It will be the last opening for the current director, but he isn’t leaving town, just the job. Lord S and I will be heading back for a better look at the art. We didn’t eat much, so we headed with the group to a nearby resturaunt and ended up closing the place. We met several new people and had a great time.

Today I spent most of the day sleeping. Lord S did some stuff for his mom and then went down country (over an hour) for 10 more tiles for the bathroom. 2 Home Depots within 20 minutes and probably 5 within 45 and I pick tiles from a Lowes over an hour away. So now we have the tile and that job can be finished. Of course, now it is 11:15 and I am not tired. I am uploading pictures to Flickr, so I can jazz up this post, but that will take forever (I am doing 50+), so I will have to add them tomorrow. Yeah, it is only 10% done.

Good night. Look for this post to update again in the morning (not that anyone is going to read it at this hour). Hey, if you do read it, could you say hi? I haven’t gotten comments in a while and I am feeling kind of lonely.

Thursday Things

This week has been the same old, same old. Oh wait! No it hasn’t!

Monday was hard. I hate going back to school after a vacation. It is even worse than going back after summer. At the start of the school year, we are all excited and fresh. After spring break, all we are really doing (kids and teachers) are counting down the days. We started reading a story about Barn Owls and then finished our octopus work. I am never going to get these kids writing. Damn! I had GOTR and then rehearsal. Then we went to Friendly’s for Best Lady’s birthday. Yeah, we’re cool.

Tuesday was nuts. Everyone at school was going crazy trying to get ready for our site visit the next day. I should have taken before and afters of my classroom, especially my desk. The pottery class I was going to work at (have I mentioned I do pottery? since I was 7) didn’t happen so I got to go home before rehearsal. After rehearsal BL came over and cut my hair (no photos yet) and ate dinner with us.

Wednesday was our site visit. 4 people from of Dept of Ed came and observed, talked to staff and parents, and were pleased with what they saw. Did I mention we were the very first school to be visited under this pilot program? I pity the next elementary school they go to. We may have internal strife, but man, we look good on the outside!

Today was Thursday. Plain old Thursday. Work. Pottery pick up. Dinner with BL (my mac and cheese). Rehearsal. Grey’s with Mr. Director.

Good night.

Vacation week

This has been a strange vacation week.

It started off really crappy. The weather was cold, snowy, and dark. I stayed home and worked on the last of my baby bibs. I will post pictures of them soon. I didn’t do any cleaning or decluttering.

Wednesday was kind of cold and grey but Mooch and I went to Keene to shop. I bought $.99 washcloth cotton at Michaels. Mooch helped my pick out colors, so now she is going to get some new washcloths. We also shopped at Borders, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Target. While at Target Mooch’s best friend called (three times) and we made a plan to meet at Margarita’s for dinner. They picked up Lord S and we had a great time to the max

Yesterday I went to the woo-woo doctor. I love my woo-woo doctor. She is great. We talk about everything. Yesterday’s topic was colleges. Her daughter is a junior and she has just started looking. I mean, we also talked about my woo-woo, but we talk about other stuff too. She comes to see my plays, mostly Shakespeare, but she also saw me when I was the naked bride in a play about our local history. She has been my doctor for about 5 years. Some day I will have the courage to write about my history with her. Not today.

Yesterday I got a wild hair (hare?) and cleaned the kitchen. I don’t like to clean, but I was on the floor with a cloth and spray cleaning the floor. I did laundry and dishes and cleaned out under the sink. Do you know we have TEN pairs of rubber gloves for hand dishwashing? And 3 bottles of dishwashing blue stuff (like Jet Dry), 2 partial bottles of dishwasher detergent and 1 full one, 2 boxes of Swiffer cloths and a box plus of Swiffer WetJet cloths. You would think I would have a really clean kitchen. I also need to get rid of stuff from my pantry, maybe next week.

The best news of the week is the tile guy is here!! When we bought our house in June 2002 Lord S and my dad started changing a small extra bedroom upstairs into a 3/4 bath for us. They crashed the ceiling into the attic and got some plumbing started. It has taken nearly 5 years to get us to the point where we could get the tile guy in. The first few years, when I would say something about this, my dad would point out that they had replumbed and wired the house. It escaped him though that they did that in the first 3 months we owned the house. I used to have dreams that we had to sell the house and we hadn’t finished the bathroom so we couldn’t sell the house. As soon as the bathroom is done we have a million other projects to do.

I don’t have much of a plan for today, except more cleaning. I will probably come back later.

Sunday night blues – more white than blue

Had a great time last night at the bar. Friend’s band was great. Mooch came with us and had fun. Lots of people there I knew – including several parents – that’s what happens when you live and work in small towns. We headed out around 11 and Mooch stayed behind to catch a ride with Mr. Director.

Lord S left this morning around 9 to help build a set. I didn’t even open my eyes until 11. Came downstairs to snow. Snow falling, snow landing, snow building up. Spent most of the day catching up on blogs and email. There is a lot you can do to waste time on the web.

No school next week. What’s a girl to do?

Again with the snow

I have been up since 11. There was maybe an inch of new snow when I came downstairs. It has been snowing steadily since, although I think for a little while it was rainy, and it doesn’t seem like it is going to stop. I bet we have 3 inches out there. Dang.

Maybe I will suck it up and go outside to take some pictures later.

Or maybe not.

Thursday Things

IMG_7892.JPGThe talk yesterday was that we might have a delayed entry today. The weather wasn’t so bad here first thing. Schools all over our area were closed, but not in the Strathconn Valley. Big huge snow drops were falling, but everything was just wet. The trees still have snow from last week. By the time I got to school there was about an inch of slush on the ground.

When we got to school the talk had turned to early release. We were all talking about moving the performance of the school play from the afternoon to the morning. At 8:45 we had the morning announcements and school started without any good news. By 9:00 the principal got on the loudspeaker to tell us the play would be at 10:00 and lunches would be early, so we could dismiss at … wait for it … 12:30!!

octopus.gifI spent most of the morning bemoaning my period cramps in the library. At 10 I went to the play (very funny, great job kids) and at 11:10 we had 30 minutes of Literacy. With 3 girls out, and a boy who left early, we had a very quiet morning. We worked on our Octopus accordian books. The kids worked quietly and showed me great effort and direction following. After Lit I killed some time and then went to eat lunch (baked ham dinner) with some third graders, and then killed time in the office until I could take off.

On my way home I stopped by the hospital to see my friend (with the no longer yellow baby). She had several of her (right side) kidney stones removed and the doctor told her the ones in her left kidney can probably be treated with meds. Today is her 37th birthday and she has to spend it in the hospital. She has been looking forward to going out with her friends tonight, as the first time she could have a drink since she got pregnant. I gave her two cards (happy birthday and get well) and gossiped about a huge news story in Small Town. Her husband was there holding formerly yellow baby (who needs a better nickname) who I hadn’t gotten to meet yet. I am going to go visit over vacation and I plan to hold her the whole time.

IMG_7909.JPGI have now been home, watching soaps and the snow, for two hours. I haven’t gotten anything else done, not even any real Bloglines reading. That’s not true. I have been reading email. I even voted several times for my friend’s Peep-orama (see previous entry). I have eaten 2 stiff Peeps (yummy).

Tonight Lord and I were going to Marlboro College to see a lecture about software freedom, but it has been cancelled due to snow. I may call him and ask him to bring home BK. Or maybe we will go to our favorite diner. Tonight is a Grey’s clip show, so Mr. Director won’t be coming and we will watch something we recorded earlier in the week (like LOST).

Today as we sit here

T and I are applying labels to newsletters for our theater company (we don’t have a theater company, we are on the board of one).

Today was a regular day at school. The second graders went to the fourth grade Vermont Museum. There were 4 fourth graders acting as docents. They did a great job. Some of the projects were really good and some not so much. One was actually non-existant. I am working to clean up my rooms at school. I am not very organized, so it is a chore. We are having a site visit/school review something or other on the 25th and I want it to look nice in the lab.

We went to the gym and the co-op tonight. I like going to the co-op and buying things in bulk. We have these great little bags T’s cousin made that we can fill up with noodles, oatmeal, granola, you know. We have four bags and I didn’t stop until we filled all four. The co-op is more expensive, but things there are good.

I am still going *hack hack* but not as much. Love my Mucinex!

Sunday night blues

Watching SNL and eating leftovers. Easter weekend was pretty good. We went to T’s grandma’s in Schenectady. His mom and one cousin were there. Saturday we dyed eggs and went for a walk. It was pretty cold and windy and when we got back I coughed a lot. We had a great dinner with MIL’s best friend. MIL and T are vegetarians, so we don’t focus our meals around meat. MIL makes something called Good Earth with brown rice, broccoli, water chesnuts, mushrooms cashews, and cheese. We also had asparagus, ham, and awesome mashed potatoes (thanks cousin M). After dinner we had the best strawberry shortcake ever! Bisquick biscuits, strawberries, and homemade whipped cream with whipping cream and maple syrup. It was sweet and yummy and delish! We played 2 rounds of cards and I coughed my way through.

This morning we had an Easter egg hunt (yes, 4 adults: 30, 30, 66, and 97) and ate candy for hours. We did the puzzles in the newspaper and just chatted. Lunch was leftovers and 2 more games of cards. I nearly threw up from coughing, but I made it through. Our drive home was snowy and we even had to take a detour because of a major fire.

Altogether, Easter weekend was steller. I will probably post some pictures later.

Sunday night blues

T and I are catching up on our NetFlix. We have had Syriana, In America, and Jeeves and Wooster for far too long to make out membership worth it. We finally finished the fourth season of Jeeves and Wooster. Next up on my MIL’s list is a movie, but I don’t know what. Something old I bet. We are now watching Syriana, but I am having trouble following it.

Yesterday we helped our friend move from the house he lived in to his own apartment. It is a cute three room place in an old building. Everything has been updated though, so while it had that old charm, it doesn’t feel old. It is on the third floor (43 steps) and I coughed for 5 minutes after my first trip up. I ended up the door holder and I worked on a bib while I guarded the open van. When everything was in I went with my friend, her mom, and her sister to get fabric for a dress for the sister. My friend’s brother is getting married this summer and sister needs a dress. We also went to Target. Fun fun! We went to Margaritas in the evening with another couple and had a really nice time.

Friday night we just hung out at home. I don’t even remember it. Oh, but I went to Weight Watchers on Saturday morning and was up a bit. Bummer.

Starting GOTR tomorrow, let’s hope I am ready.