This has been a crazy, but nice week. I’ve had something nearly every day after school and then in the evening too! G!rls @n the R*n is going really well and the girls are having a great time. This week we did lessons on listening and gossiping. They are two of my favorite lessons (not that I am good at either of them) with really fun activities. We are coming up on the big run and the next two weeks we will have practice runs. I can hardly believe we only have 2 weeks left.
Tuesday we had our first outside dinner of the summer. We ate at Top of the Hill Grill. T got a bean burrito and I got a quesadilla. We watched the evening go by, which included a waterskier on the Retreat Meadows. It was a great start to our summer dining.
Later I went to my friends’ house to watch Idol. I don’t watch Idol, but it was a chance to hang out with friends and a baby! I brought the little guy (3) two Mr. Potato Head accessory kits – Safari and King Spud. He had fun putting together new combinations of his dress up tuber (a “big brother” gift from another of our friends). Even the big boys had fun with it.
I brought 7 Mason-Dixon bibs I’ve been working on for months. We also drank and gossiped and gigggled. Idol wasn’t so bad, but I don’t think I will start watching it myself. I really thought Phil Stacey did a great job and I was sorry to read (after searching this morning) that he has been kicked off.
Wednesday was board meeting night and then LOST. It was a wicked great episode.
Today is just Thursday. Staff meeting, rehearsal, Grey’s.