Thursday Things – AM edition

This has been a crazy, but nice week. I’ve had something nearly every day after school and then in the evening too! G!rls @n the R*n is going really well and the girls are having a great time. This week we did lessons on listening and gossiping. They are two of my favorite lessons (not that I am good at either of them) with really fun activities. We are coming up on the big run and the next two weeks we will have practice runs. I can hardly believe we only have 2 weeks left.

Tuesday we had our first outside dinner of the summer. We ate at Top of the Hill Grill. T got a bean burrito and I got a quesadilla. We watched the evening go by, which included a waterskier on the Retreat Meadows. It was a great start to our summer dining.

P1000601.JPGP1000595.JPGLater I went to my friends’ house to watch Idol. I don’t watch Idol, but it was a chance to hang out with friends and a baby! I brought the little guy (3) two Mr. Potato Head accessory kits – Safari and King Spud. He had fun putting together new combinations of his dress up tuber (a “big brother” gift from another of our friends). Even the big boys had fun with it. P1000542.JPGI brought 7 Mason-Dixon bibs I’ve been working on for months. We also drank and gossiped and gigggled. Idol wasn’t so bad, but I don’t think I will start watching it myself. I really thought Phil Stacey did a great job and I was sorry to read (after searching this morning) that he has been kicked off.

Wednesday was board meeting night and then LOST. It was a wicked great episode.

Today is just Thursday. Staff meeting, rehearsal, Grey’s.

Thursday Things

This week has been the same old, same old. Oh wait! No it hasn’t!

Monday was hard. I hate going back to school after a vacation. It is even worse than going back after summer. At the start of the school year, we are all excited and fresh. After spring break, all we are really doing (kids and teachers) are counting down the days. We started reading a story about Barn Owls and then finished our octopus work. I am never going to get these kids writing. Damn! I had GOTR and then rehearsal. Then we went to Friendly’s for Best Lady’s birthday. Yeah, we’re cool.

Tuesday was nuts. Everyone at school was going crazy trying to get ready for our site visit the next day. I should have taken before and afters of my classroom, especially my desk. The pottery class I was going to work at (have I mentioned I do pottery? since I was 7) didn’t happen so I got to go home before rehearsal. After rehearsal BL came over and cut my hair (no photos yet) and ate dinner with us.

Wednesday was our site visit. 4 people from of Dept of Ed came and observed, talked to staff and parents, and were pleased with what they saw. Did I mention we were the very first school to be visited under this pilot program? I pity the next elementary school they go to. We may have internal strife, but man, we look good on the outside!

Today was Thursday. Plain old Thursday. Work. Pottery pick up. Dinner with BL (my mac and cheese). Rehearsal. Grey’s with Mr. Director.

Good night.

Finally Friday

My friend with the yellow baby is going home from the hospital now. I just talked to her and she is really happy to be going home. I dropped the mac & cheese off on my way home from work and her husband was just leaving to get them.

I am really tired of coughing. I have been hacking so bad I leaked a little. This is not good for a girl who has never had a baby.

Eh…I don’t really feel like writing any more. It has been a hell of a week and I am ready for it to be over.

Things that are funnier when you are sleepy

Last night, yesterday afternoon actually, I was very tired. I intended to go to bed early, but 10:00 is not early. We went to bed and I started drifting even while having conversation with my husband. I started to fall asleep without turning off my light. So T said I am “incorrigible. If there was a place that sold corrigibles, they wouldn’t sell you any.” I rolled over to turn off my light and said, “I am so blogging this tomorrow.”

It is not as funny in the light of day.

A thank you

I got a great gift today. I was reading my bloglines this morning and saw this:

thank_you_Lady_Strathconn.jpgI clicked on Technorati this morning and my Mom showed me this new link. I was really happy. I decided to draw you a card to say thank you. I hope you have a really good day.

The end

by Ben

I am going to tell you again, you have to read these boys. They are bright and creative. They have some fun times. My favorite blog entries were when Ben’s thinking tree was cut down. His brother Noah wrote a nice entry too. Then there was this great follow up.

Thank you Ben for the lovely picture. Thank you Noah for the great entries. Abi, I can’t wait until you learn to write, so I can read what you have to say!

Sleepy Saturday

Last night we went to our favorite restaurant for dinner with my parents. They have been in Cancun (for the 3rd time in a year; 4th in Mexico) and we were catching up.

Today we woke up with the alarm at 6 am, but then it was 8:00. I had a great deal of trouble waking up. I did get up, dragged myself to Weight Watchers (down 8 pounds!) to weigh-in, Dunkin Donuts for a Maple Cheddar Breakfast Sandwich and a White Hot Chocolate. We came home to eat (no gym today).

T went to help my dad to go do some plumbing and I tried to watch my soaps. I fell asleep several times and ended up sleeping from about 11:30 to 4:00. I still feel tired and funky, but we have to do box office for a show our theater company is producing. Otherwise, I think I would just go to bed.

Medium was really great this week.

Feeling better?

A little. I am still stuffy and coughing, but I am not as achy. I went to work yesterday and my kids drove me up a wall! I headed home right after school and then rested until pottery class. I didn’t go to be nearly early enough and I am tired today, but it is Friday and I can make it through.

Sick day

flu.jpgI don’t remember the last time I took a sick day. Sometimes I take a half day for a doctor’s appointment, but I am not very often sick enough to miss school.

I wasn’t sure I was going to stay home, but when I woke this morning at 6, I couldn’t move without coughing. I called my boss and told him I couldn’t come in. Today is my “crazy” day when I have 4 tech classes and Literacy. They better get me a good sub.

95.jpgI am working on my lesson plans for Literacy right now. The kids are going to read a story called A Chair for My Mother by Vera B. Williams. It is a great story about a grandmother, a mother, and a little girl. They have lost everything in a house fire. The story is about how they save money to buy a new chair. My major concern about reading this story is that one of my students lost everything in a house fire a few weeks ago. I hope that she will be okay with this story, especially since I am not there. I am also sorry that we have to do this story this week. The spelling pattern in the workbook r-controlled a, which is the spelling pattern we were going to do next, but because it is a short week (because of the snowday, we had Friday on Monday) we aren’t doing spelling. Oh well, another week I suppose.

Now I must finish my lessons and fire them off to school.

My day off

Today is Town Meeting Day. In Vermont, each town has a Town Meeting. Most meetings now take place in the evenings or on a weekend day. My town’s meeting is the 3rd Saturday of March, but today is voting day. We are the only town in the state with representative Town Meeting. My dad has been a Town Meeting rep for as long as I can remember. When I was little I thought of Town Meeting as a day we had off of school and I saw my daddy on TV. We have had local access television for many years and they have always broadcast from the meeting. It was fun to see him.

I actually get excited to vote. It is wonderful to me that we have that right and privilege in the United States. However, today, for the first time I am not voting. In fact, I am not doing much of anything. Last night, I came home from afterschool program feeling warm and achy. It got worse as the night went on. I woke up this morning feeling like crap. I have been coughing and achy all day. Good thing I didn’t have to go to work. I bummed about not voting. A neighbor, who was a friend in MS/HS, is a write in for a one year Town Meeting Rep and I am going to be really sorry if he doesn’t get it by 1 vote.

I am also really sorry I didn’t get a flu shot.