Friday night fun

So a big night for the Lord and Lady is going to big town across the river.  We had dinner at Olive Garden and then I spent a bunch of money at Michaels.  Now we are nearly falling asleep listening to Pottercast and using our laptops.  I was just about to head for bed when I realized I hadn’t posted today.

Nothing really interesting to write about today.  Literacy went well.  My students (all 5 of them) are really great and I enjoy my 90 minutes with them.  They are one of the best groups (although not the brightest) I have ever had.  4 boys and a girl, sweet, earnest, and interested in learning.  We don’t do a lot of different activities, but we work really hard at what we are learning.

Random fact: I chew my cuticles.

I love Memes

I found this meme on Bloomabilities and just had to do it. Not that I don’t have anything better to do.

1. Your name spelled backwards: nwad
2. Where were your parents born? Mom in St. Louis, Dad in Utica, NY
3. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? photos
4. What’s your favorite restaurant? The Marina or The Chelsea Royal
5. Last time you swam in a pool? Last summer or the summer before, I hate bathingsuits
6. Have you ever been in a school play? Yes, the last school play was my senior year in HS (although for my husband it was last year)
7. How many kids do you want? 1 or 2
8. Type of music you dislike most? Rap and Hip-hop
9. Are you registered to vote? Yes.
10. Do you have cable? Yes.
11. Have you ever ridden on a moped? Nope
12. Ever prank call anybody? In middle school maybe
13. Ever get a parking ticket? Yes, for being parked in Faculty/Staff in college during move out week. I got it torn up. One and only ticket.
14. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? Nope.
15. Furthest place you ever traveled? Great Britain
16. Do you have a garden? Yes, but I wish someone else would weed it
17. What’s your favorite comic strip? Chickweed Lane, For Better or For Worse, Luann
18. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem? The first verse
19. Bath or Shower, morning or night? Shower in the morning, except in the summer when it is sometimes the afternoon
20. Best movie you’ve seen in the past month? We’ve been NetFlixing, so The Virgin Suicides
21. Favorite pizza topping? green peppers and hamburger
22. Chips or popcorn? POPCORN!!!!
23. What color lipstick do you usually wear? I wear lipbalm, but I like Burt’s Bees Nutmeg.
24. Have you ever smoked peanut shells? Huh? No.
25. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? I prefer scholarship pageant. And yes, once. 2nd runner up thank you.
26. Orange Juice or apple? OJ please, fresh squeezed.
27. Who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine? Actual dinner out? My husband at Top of the Hill Grill with my sister and her friend. Although last night, I had BK in the car with my mom and sister.
28. Favorite type chocolate bar? I am not a huge chocolate fan, but I like Three Musketeers.
29. When was the last time you voted at the polls? I was too sick in March so I missed it altogether, so last November.
30. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? I don’t like tomatoes.
31. Have you ever won a trophy? An actual trophy? I don’t think so.
32. Are you a good cook? not really
33. Do you know how to pump your own gas? Yes, but I don’t if I can help it.
34. Ever order an article from an infomercial? Proactiv, it worked, but it bleached my towels.
35. Sprite or 7-up? Sierra Mist Free
36. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work? Not a uniform per se, but I had to wear a button up shirt and khaki pants when I waited tables.
37. Last thing you bought at a pharmacy? My prescription.
38. Ever throw up in public? I don’t throw up much, so I am going with no.
39. Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love? I have true love this time, so I want money the next time.
40. Do you believe in love at first sight? Nope, I knew my husband many years before I even liked him.
41. Can exes be friends? Yup. I still like most of mine, although I don’t see many of them often.
42. Who was the last person you visited in a hospital? Marcia when she had KIDney Sto-nes, just after she had Eliza (when I was too sick to visit).
43. Did you have a lot of hair when you were a baby? hair, yes, lots, no
44. What’s your all time favorite Saturday Night Live Character? I only really ever liked Weekend Updates
45. What was the name of your first pet? Pillsbury (not named by my family)
46. What is in your purse? wallet, journal, calendar, stuff bag, keys, knitting, iPod, camera
47. Favorite thing to do before bedtime? read
48. What is one thing you are grateful for today? a/c (we put it in finally yesterday)


octopus.gifMister Teacher at Learn Me Good tagged me for a meme. I am really excited to do it, because no one ever tags me. Thanks Mister! Edit: I have also been tagged by Ms. Whatsit. So have to get it done.
I’ve got to tell you 8 random things about myself. This always sound easy until you get to, like, number 5 and you run out of stuff. Mister Teacher didn’t take it very seriously, but I am not creative enough to lie.

1. When I was 14 I got a subclavian blood clot I had to spend a week in the hospital on a Heparin drip and then take Coumadin for 3 months. Fun right? Not so much. But at least I got to introduce myself to my new neighbor like this, “You might not remember me, but you were my doctor when I had a blood clot at 14.” “Of course I remember you Lady S.” It’s a great conversation starter.

2. Except for when I went to college, I have always lived in the same town. In fact, until we bought our house, I lived in 3 places within less than a mile of each other. I still on live a nile from my parents.

3. My third favorite holiday (after my birthday and Christmas) is the Fourth of July. I was going to blog about it this year, but this week has been nuts.

4. I have worked on 2 world premiere musicals and have another coming up in the spring.

5. I work across the street from a Nuclear Power plant and I don’t mind it at all.

6. I was the second runner up in a (very) local pageant. I did a cobbled together monologue from Antigone.

7. I got into my first choice college, but they wouldn’t give me enough money to afford it. I went to my second choice and was very happy there. The only thing I would change about it is its location. If I had it to do over, I would probably apply here.

8. When I was a little kid (3, I think) I counted like this: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-9-10-11 and wondered why I had 11 fingers and my mom said she had 10.

Most people I read have already done this meme, so I am tagging everyone else.

Wedding Day

I feel like I haven’t been home in 3 days!

Tuesday night we went to Grafton for the VSO concert. Wednesday was the parade and then party with Best Lady’s family. Thursday was shopping all day with my sister. Thursday night and Friday morning was Photostar’s bachelorette party. Friday afternoon was packing for Photostar’s honeymoon. Today is getting ready for Photostar’s wedding to Best Lady’s brother.

Maybe I will have time to blog tomorrow.

Small town living

I love living in a small town.

T and I just went to the grocery store. I walked over to meet him as he came home from work. I took my iPod, cell phone and sunglasses. We shopped.

As we got to the checkout I realized we were buying alcohol for an upcoming event. Remember what I brought with me? No ID. So, of course, the clerk asked for it. T showed his. “And yours?” I explained that I had walked. A manager came over. He hesitated (I am 31 and look it). I looked over at the service desk and asked if Jean was working. The kid behind the counter said, “Yes, but there is a manager right there.” Again I explained the no ID thing. So he got Jean. She looked over and smiled and waved. We got our champagne.

How often in your grocery store is the most important person on the floor your friend’s mom? Jean’s daughter was in my wedding, did several shows with me, and dated my closest childhood friend.

Summer 2007 To Do List

Summer officially starts for me tomorrow. I have made a list of things I have to do this summer. It is a very long list, but some are easy things like doctors appointments that are already made. Others are going to be harder like parting with clothes, cleaning out our office, and cleaning up the extra bedroom. I plan to take a lot of before and after pictures, so look for them here.

The hardest one on the list, I think, is to lose 20 pounds. If I start counting at my “I never ever thought I would weigh that much” all time high, I have already lost 2 as of today. Several of my goals are geared toward losing this weight. It is just a start, but I am making a commitment. Starting tomorrow.

Tonight, I have my Girls on the Run coaches party and a birthday party with cake.

A little bit of quiet time

I would say I haven’t had anything to blog about, and that’s why I have been quiet, but really I have just been too busy.

I turned 31 on May 16. Not a big deal, just something I did. Last year, I blogged 30 things about me in the 30 days leading to my 30th birthday. It was fun. It was hard. It was lost in the great blog disaster of 2007. There have been several celebrations for this event.

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Mother’s Day weekend we stayed with Gramma Matriarch. She lives in Schenectady, New York. There was a full house and lots of food. On Saturday night we had Key Lime Pie and they all sang Happy Birthday. (celebration 1)

P1010203.JPG Sunday night was Chinese with my parents, my sister and her fiance (this parenthetical statement originally contained a negative comment about my sister’s fiance, I have taken it down). It was joint Mother’s day birthday dinner. There was no singing, but there were lots of cards. My mom dropped a little box off at my door the next day with a pair of very small star earrings. They are some sort of diamond like stone and very sparkly. I have had them in my ears ever since. (celebration 2)

Tuesday we headed south to Hadley, Mass for dinner with Best Lady, my sister and her fiance. We ate at a cute place I had heard about for years called All Fired Up. I took some pictures there but it was dark. You choose the meats and veggies you want and they cook it up for you. It is like those Japanese cook at the table places, but here you hand them a bowl of stuff and they cook it on a huge grill-thing with everyone else’s. We had a good time and stayed out very late. After dinner we went back to BL’s and played with her cats. Good times. (celebration 3)

On my actual birthday my darling husband hid cards in various places around the house. He also did silly sweet things like put the toothpaste on my toothbrush for me. He didn’t finish the bathroom or buy me anything, but he did some nice things for me.

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I got great gifts from my awesome mother-in-law and my fabulous mother. MIL made me a little card game kit. She bought a little Finding Nemo (my favorite kid movie) lunchbox and filled it with 2 decks of cards, notepads, tiny pencils and card holders. She wrote on the card that I had mentioned I wanted to take our game with us to Star and she thought it was a great idea. My fabu mom got me cute little star earrings. She admitted that she got them at TJ Maxx on my birthday, but I still love them. Maybe even more since I know they weren’t expensive. I have worn them every day since.

So far Saturday

Friday night we did box office for our company’s current show, but Lord S was so congested we came home. I knitted until I nearly fell asleep.

Today I weighed in (no change from last week), got breakfast from Dunkin donuts, worked out and bought flowers at a local greenhouse. We spent the afternoon preparing the front yard for flowers. Now we are heading out to box office for tonight’s show.