Author Archives: Lady S
Blog friends
Twitter just added a new feature. You can make lists of your friends. I love making lists. I love putting things into groups and categories. I made 4 lists: People I know, Bloggers, Celebs, Companies. The Celebs, and Companies were easy. And even the People I know started easy, but then I started getting confused.
Am I the only one who forgets that they don’t actually know some (or all) of the bloggers they read?
NaBloPoMo – Nov 2009
I am going to try again to post for a whole month.
I am having the Sunday evening blues. I have a hard time getting excited about going to school on Mondays. And even worse, I have a parent meeting tomorrow at 8:00. This wouldn’t be so bad, except I have been getting to school at 8:15. I guess Tumblebug and I will have to be ready a bit earlier tomorrow.
Our little Wild Thing had his first Halloween. We trick or treated at my parents’ house and 2 of their neighbors. He looked so cute. I will have to take some better pictures this week, but here he is:

Our little Wild Thing
I made the costume myself. Well, mostly. I bought white footed pajamas from the Gap. I bought them in a 6-12 month so he can wear them all winter (when I remove the tail).
I bought a yard of white felt and had some leftover yellow and white with glitter from other projects. I also use 2 brown pipe cleaners and 2 white ones.
I used a pattern I found at to make his hood. I reduced it to 60% before printing, but it was too small. Then I made one at 75% and it was a little too big. Used up my only dark colored pipe cleaners on the first one, so I colored the white ones with a black dry erase marker.

He roared his terrible roar.
I stayed up 2 nights sewing the hood. Not that I haven’t had all the fabric for weeks. Once I figured out the first one was too small, I knew I had to make another, but the first one came out so perfectly, I couldn’t cannibalize it so I left the whiskers.
I sewed little triangles of felt to the fingers and toes of the sleeper. I also made a little crown out of the yellow and glittery felt to sew onto the chest (over a little bear).
Then I got really crazy and made a larger crown and sewed it to a plain bib. I used a crown clipart that I found on Google images.
I told my husband that in the future costumes must be chosen and materials procured by my long weekend in late October. Even though I have had the sleeper since September and the fabric since early October, the procrastinator in me left it to the last minute.
This cracks me up
Pregnancy Fail « FAIL Blog: Epic Fail Pictures and Videos of Owned, Pwnd and Fail Moments.
I can’t tell you how many times a doctor or midwife said “pregnant people” or “when a person is pregnant”, or the like, while I was pregnant. I mean seriously. Political correctness has its place, but that one she-male aside, only women are pregnant!
Let me distract you with magic
So much for posting every day in September.
8 Years Ago Today
I was in my literacy room waiting for my third graders. The same room I teach in now. My para walked in from her break. “You haven’t left the room, have you?” she asked. “No.” I said. “Then you don’t know.” she said, quietly. “Know what?” “I will tell you after.” “No, please tell me.” “The World Trade towers are no more.” It was 10:45 on September 11, 2001.
Take a little off the top

Almost there
Happy Tuesday
I am kicking off my renewed interested in blogging. I know I am not the most interesting writer, but I am going to try.
When I was in high school a friend gave me a book called 14,000 Things to be Happy About. I started a list of my happy things in 1993. When I stopped I had 223. I doubt I will ever get to 14,000, but I thought I might try to hit 1000 in my lifetime. I added to the list last year, and then again last night. Here are my latest additions that make me happy:
- my son
- my baby’s smile
- walks on a perfect summer day
- bagpipes in the distance
- crisp fall days
- my students doing well
- back pain-free days
- homemade apple pie
- fresh macaroni and cheese
- new books
- computers that work consistently
- having a president of color
- the freedom to speak out against your government without fear (even if you are stupid)
- watching my husband take care of our son
- sleeping late while my husband takes care of our son
- car trips
- leaves changing color in the fall
- maple cotton candy
- comfortable shoes
- going barefoot
- fresh lemonade
- apple fritters with ice cream
- apple cider donuts
- that first glimpse of Star Island
- shiny blue bow ties