When I was in my twenties, I had a terrible cough for weeks. One day I was playing with my daughter’s 4 year old, picking her up and swinging her around. The next day I could barely get out of bed. I coughed, my chest hurt and I could barely roll over. I suffered for about three weeks before I finally went to the doctor. The cough had subsided, but the pain was still there. As she pressed on my chest she confirmed what I feared: broken rib. And of course there is nothing you can do about broken ribs. All told I think I lived with it for over 2 months.
Drink-drink? amaretto sour, light on the ice
Soda? root beer and ginger ale
Juice? fresh squeezed orange juice
I was born on May 16. I turned 34 this year. My 33rd birthday present was my son, born nearly 10 hours after the moment of my birthday.
I learned a few years ago that I am allergic to amoxicillin. I had a sinus infection and the doctor gave me a scrip. After 24 hours I was covered with hives. They were worse than the sinus infection. I also think I have seasonal allergies, but I have no medical confirmation.
As a little kid I would have said The Muppet Movie.
As a preteen I would have said Girls Just Want to Have Fun.
As a teen I would have said Say Anything.
In college I would have said Jerry Maguire.
As an adult I could watch just about anything with Reece Witherspoon over and over.

My son is severely allergic to amoxicillin. My sister in law was a pharm rep for that company for a few years and she told me 40% of the population is allergic to amoxicillin. Too bad you can’t drink enough ameretto sours to kill infections, although I think my father in law thought you could.
How cool that you share a birthday with your son!! And on the Reece Witherspoon note, I LOVE Just Like Heaven!!
That coughing’ll get ya everytime. That’s how I broke my ribs too.