It is Sunday evening and it is raining – again! We lucked out and had good weather yesterday, but the rain is back.
Thursday evening neither of us was really very hungry for dinner so we called Jayman and asked if he wanted to go for french fries and ice cream with us. We went to our favorite place, The Chelsea Royal Diner, and sat outside. We gossiped and talked movies. They mocked me for not watching all the Indiana Jones movies and when we dropped Jayman off he loaned us his boxed set.
Friday was gorgeous! It was warm and sunny without even a hint of rain. I took my morning walk and just admired the brilliant blue sky. My neighborhood is so beautiful. I hardly saw any cars and only a handful of people. I also had my “annual exam” Friday. I love my gyno. She has seen me through a lot, and I haven’t even had babies yet. Then I ran a bunch of errands, including getting a new cable modem from Comcast (we totally noticed the speed difference). Friday night we did our favorite date night activities…Keene for dinner at Margaritas, a quick run through Target (okay, only I like that) and then browsing at Borders. I bought my friend Hillary (who is starting college in a month) two books. I saw How to Survive Your Freshman Year in the college section (it is across from graphic novels) and sat down to thumb through it. It actually has some good advice and is written in an easy to read way. It’s not like whole chapters of text, but little anecdotes that you can read a few at a time. The other book I got her is one of the best books I have ever read. Every woman in the English speaking world should get this book the day she gets her period. The V Book
by Elizabeth Stewart was an Amazon recommendation when I bought another book about women’s health. It answered nearly every question I have ever had about “down there”.
Saturday I weighed in and stayed for the meeting. Actually I stayed for the meeting and then weighed in. Best Lady cut my hair and Hill-the-Pill and I went out to lunch. In the afternoon T worked on the new pond filtration system and I marinated mushrooms, squash, zucchini, and asparagus. We had my parents over for dinner and Trivial Pursuit.
Today I did virtually nothing. Well, except write this entry. My first in weeks.