Friday night fun

So a big night for the Lord and Lady is going to big town across the river.  We had dinner at Olive Garden and then I spent a bunch of money at Michaels.  Now we are nearly falling asleep listening to Pottercast and using our laptops.  I was just about to head for bed when I realized I hadn’t posted today.

Nothing really interesting to write about today.  Literacy went well.  My students (all 5 of them) are really great and I enjoy my 90 minutes with them.  They are one of the best groups (although not the brightest) I have ever had.  4 boys and a girl, sweet, earnest, and interested in learning.  We don’t do a lot of different activities, but we work really hard at what we are learning.

Random fact: I chew my cuticles.

Random find

I went to the NaBloPoMo site to grab the image for the last post (yeah, 2 in an hour) and Eden pointed readers to ImageChef for alternate images for a blog.  And as much as I love the LOL cats, I love to check out new stuff.

picture-1.pngLook what I found!  Isn’t that crazy?  I can’t believe that right on the front page the license plate generator is for a Vermont plate.  Do you think it can read my IP and customize it to me?  ‘Cause they do have other states, that was just the one on the front.  Strange.  Tomorrow when I have time, I will make myself some crazy plates.  I have always wanted a personalized plate, but I don’t want to waste the money.

National Blog Posting Month

nablo07120×240.jpgI want to get back into my blog writing, so what better time to kick it off with National Blog Posting Month. I am never very good at following through with things I start, but I am going to try. This year my New Year’s resolution was to try harder, so I am going to try harder to post every day.

I am also updating my blog look, but I am not ready to reveal the new look. I wanted something a little more personal than this theme, as pretty as it is. I have been working on customizing a theme that is pretty plain and should be easier to read than the last one.

I would like to say I have been busy lately, but mostly I have just been boring. T and I spent a lovely week at Star Island in August. I started back to school at the end of August and then we spent a weekend with his family. In September we did a weekend of Murder Mystery dinners for our theater company and T auditioned for two shows for next spring (and got roles in each). In October we went to Boston for a night to see WICKED! and spend some time checking out the city.

Random fact about me: I didn’t get my driver’s license until I was 20.