Blue #1: I forgot to post on Saturday. I couldn’t even make it 3 days without forgetting to post!
Blue #2: I have to go to work tomorrow.
Blue #3: It is getting cold.
Blue #4: We forgot to set our clock back so I got up earlier than I needed to.
Blue #4.5: I was still late for Sunday School.
Blue #5: I can’t get my Joomla site to work on my school’s new hosting.
This weekend went by too fast. Friday we went shopping and out to dinner.
Saturday night we performed in a Murder Mystery. It was the Italian themed story and I played the 21 year old daughter (only 9 years too old) and our friend Jay Man played my 25 year old brother (only 7 years too young). Lord S played our father’s twin brother and Best Lady played his girlfriend. It was at a nice restaurant hosted by a local church. The audience was really great and very enthusiastic. We all knew a few people in the audience, which is a little different for us. The audience members I interacted with asked great questions and made really good guesses. It was not as great as the night we performed at the country club where they bought us drinks and had a water gun fight.
Today, not only did we have time trouble, but I had Sunday School, church and then I was in charge of coffee hour with two other great CE members (they don’t read this, but I love them both!). For the first time in weeks all my Sunday schoolers and my helper showed up. We had a decent lesson about Zaccheus and talked about they would do if someone famous showed up in our town and invited themselves over. Then we did a crossword review of the parables we’ve read. I knit my way through church, although this week’s sermon was really great. Coffee hour did not go smoothly, but everyone seemed satisfied. I washed dishes and had really nice conversation.
The afternoon is a blur. I tried to figure out what to do with all the pictures we’ve scanned for MFP’s 100th year scrapbook (more details later) because my MIL and I planned to work on it this evening. I also promised to run lines with a friend who is in A Doll House. I nearly fell alseep several times. The evening was spent with MIL looking at the photos we have scanned and cropping them while T watched the Patriots come from behind to stay undefeated!
Now I am watching the start of this season’s Amazing Race.
Random fact: My parents owned a small country store when I was a kid. 18 years later people still say they wish my parents owned it.