I think I took this quiz before, and I think I got this same answer, but that was before the great blog disaster of 2007.
You’re The Poisonwood Bible!
by Barbara Kingsolver
Deeply rooted in a religious background, you have since become both isolated and schizophrenic. You were naively sure that your actions would help people, but of course they were resistant to your message and ultimately disaster ensued. Since you can see so many sides of the same issue, you are both wise beyond your years and tied to worthless perspectives. If you were a type of waffle, it would be Belgian.
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
(via bookshelves of doom and Fuse#8)
I’m Prufrock and Other Observations!
by T.S. Eliot
“Though you are very short and often overshadowed, your voice is poetic and lyrical. Dark and brooding, you see the world as a hopeless effort of people trying to impress other people. Though you make reference to almost everything, you’ve really heard enough about Michelangelo. You measure out your life with coffee spoons.”
I have indeed heard enough about Michelangelo, seeing as I took Art History in school. I think perhaps I should read that book, since I’m so much like it.