I am ready to go home

Okay, it’s been fun to be at Camp Grandma, but I am ready to go home.  I miss my chair and hassock.  I miss the big noisy box that brings in the cool air and the new smells.  Not all my favorite toys are here and there aren’t as many places to explore.

I like climbing on Grandma’s stairs, because I can see down on her.  Her bed is soft and she doesn’t kick me off nearly as much as Dad. But at home, there are lots of places for me to take a nap.  Sometimes Mom even lets me go out into my special room where I can see the birdies and the plants and the other kitties.

Mom, Dad?  How are you enjoying your vacation?  Are you coming to get me soon?

Camp Grandma

So, they’ve up and left me again.  Dad dropped me off on Friday evening and then stayed around to get a haircut.  It was just enough to distract me from the change of location.  I made a lovely little pile in the corner of Grandma’s kitchen.  She came along later and swept it up, but by then I had moved on to other interests.

Grandma’s not around all day the way mom has been, but I don’t really care, because I spend most of my time sleeping.  She also doesn’t have that noisy box that brings in the cold air and new smells.  But she does have lots of big windows where I can watch the birdies.  There are lots of different birdies here.  There are also some ugly little gray things with fluffy tails.  They seem to drive the birdies nuts.

I don’t know how long I am going to be here.  I’ll know it is time to go when they bring out that awful gray box and carry me around.  That is my least favorite part of going to Camp Grandma.

Things I like to do

Mom and Dad took off for Easter and left me home alone, so I am doing Mom’s list for today. Since she has told you all sorts of things about her, I thought I would tell you about me.

Things I like to do:

  • Sleep on Mom’s pillow
  • Chew the pond plants
  • Sleep on the futon
  • Eat
  • Sleep on the love seat
  • Explore the bathtub
  • Sleep on the flowered chair
  • Stick my head in the shower when someone is in there
  • Sleep in my soft box
  • Attack the trashcan
  • Sleep on the table
  • Chase the rainbow ribbon
  • Sleep on Dad’s pillow
  • Talk to the birdies outside
  • Sleep on clean laundry
  • Attack the rug
  • Sleep on the rug
  • Play with my toys
  • Sleep on Dad’s legs
  • Play with rubber bands
  • Sleep on Mom’s lap
  • Explore the porch
  • Sleep on the glider

Cats are the sleepiest of all mammals. They spend 16 hours of each day sleeping.

Home Alone

Hey, it's time for bed! Mom and Dad have gone off and left me alone. I decided while they were gone I would take over Mom’s blog, since I heard her say she needed to blog every day this month.

Orlando Orlando I have been taking advantage of this opportunity to run pell-mell all over the house and get up on the table. It is neat to be that high, I can see all sorts of things I can’t see when I am only a foot off the floor. I love to scoot around the table and mess up the tablecloth. For a while, Mom has had all sorts of paper stuff all over the table, so it is hard for me to get up there, but she cleaned it off before she left.

TreatingCrunchies My Auntie Mooch is coming to visit me. She is pretty cool. I hope she remembers to scoop my litter box. Last time Dad forgot I had to pee on the bath mat and that was yucky. I plan to scratch my pad every time she comes, so I can get more treats. She is really great. The last time she was checking on me I even let her pick me up and pet me. She smells like another cat, but that’s okay, as long as she doesn’t bring the cat here.

P1040131.JPG Thanks for stopping by and reading my note. If you have any questions about being a cat in a small town, feel free to leave a comment. I will just be hanging out here by myself.

Random fact: I am not named for the city in Florida.  I am named for a famous singing group from the 60s.  Can you guess what Mom and Dad’s names are?